Guildford Borough Council announced yesterday that it shall be running an art competition over the summer for local young people. The idea of this project is for youngsters to illustrate how they think Guildford should look in 2050 and turn that idea into a creation.
Artists up to the age of 18 can take part to create their own vision for the borough, using any media available, for example, watercolour, acrylic paints or pencil. The competition is open to all residents or students who attend a school in the borough and is part of an initiative to involve local people of all ages in planning for the future of our borough.
There are four competition age categories; 6 years and younger, 7 to 10 years, 11 to 13 years and 14 to 18 years. There will be an overall competition winner who will receive a £50 voucher for Guildford Spectrum, G Live or The Electric Theatre, with category winners being presented with £30 vouchers and £15 vouchers to those who are highly commended in each age group. All winning entries will be displayed in the public areas of the Council’s Millmead offices.
All entries should be A3 in size or smaller and include your name, age, address, contact telephone number and email, as well as being labelled ‘My vision for Guildford’. In order to enter, hand in your picture to 25 Swan Lane (between 10am and 4pm, Monday to Saturday) or at the Council’s Millmead offices. Alternatively, post it to PR & Marketing, Guildford Borough Council, Millmead House, Millmead, Guildford, GU2 4BB. The closing date for admissions is Friday 12 September, but unfortunately, the Council cannot return entries to applicants.
Cllr Stephen Mansbridge, Leader of the Council, commented, “We aim to reach out to all residents, including young people, through our extensive Draft Local Plan consultation. Their views are very important – the decisions we make now will shape the borough they live in with their families. The art competition will give children and young people a chance to show us how they think their future should look.”
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